Apache serves the most pages With Linux hosting comes the common use of the Apache web server. It’s by far the most deployed web server on the Internet with a 58.7% market share ( Netcraft ), so it’s only natural that it would also be used by a majority of the sites in the survey. However, even though it’s the behemoth in the web server market, Apache is slowly losing ground to competing platforms such as Microsoft’s IIS and up-and-comers like Lighttpd, at least according to data from companies such as Port 80 and Netcraft. MySQL dominates the databases With open source ruling the game it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the database of choice for all but one of the sites is MySQL , the ultra-popular Swedish open-source database. “The features that you get for free on MySQL, with replication, in-memory and fault-tolerant databases (if using MySQL cluster), transaction support, and the wicked performance, cost thousands of dollars with other database engines,” says Joseph Kottke, direc...