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Showing posts from April, 2012

4 Most Important PHP Security Measures

We can say that PHP is a mature language with lot's of useful, but potentially dangerous features. The rapid growth of the language and the dynamic nature of the Web let people easily create dynamic web pages without any prior knowledge in computer science or the architecture of the Internet. In this tutorial we’ll have a look at 4 important PHP security measures that you should implement in order to develop a safer website. 1. Register Globals Up until PHP version 4.2.0 the register_globals directive's default value was On . One of the most controversial change in following versions was that the PHP core developers changed this default value to Off , not because the directive itself was insecure, but the common misuse of it was. Note: This feature will be removed starting with PHP 6.0.0 When this directive is On , PHP will inject extra variables in the script such as HTML request variables, etc. The problem with this approach is that a developer canno...