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Web Developer Roadmap


Generate documentation for PHP Code using phpDocumentor

What is phpDocumentor? phpDocumentor is the simple and best tool to generate API documentation for PHP source code.  Downloading & installing phpDocumentor: There are several dependencies to install phpDocumentor you can find them on official website i.e., here To install phpDocumentor using PEAR type below command In windows, run command prompt as administrator. Goto xampp/php folder and type pear channel-discover pear install phpdoc/phpDocumentor In linux, open terminal and type (if install xampp for linux then goto xampp/bin folder) pear channel-discover pear install phpdoc/phpDocumentor Generate API using phpDocumentor: In windows, goto  phpdoc.bat folder and run phpdoc  command for source directory to destination phpdoc -d <source directory of php code> -t <destination directory> In Linux, goto [phpdocumentor installation folder]/bin/ and run command phpdoc -d <source directory of php...

Google like Pagination

In the beginning of my career, every technical interview has this question; "How do you write pagination script in PHP?". I think you too faced the same issue. It was very important to answer this because every application is developed to list set of information and off-course you can't show every thing in a single page. It will irritate the user to scroll to the bottom of page to read. So, the pagination. Divide the list of items in number of pages and navigate to each by clicking on each page number displayed. At the beginning, the pagination was simple was limited to 10-15 pages, but after some time in real time the requirement has grown to 10 multiple pages. Solution was to show first few page numbers, last few page numbers and in middle show the ellipsis(...). As you navigate to any page it would show definite page numbers to both the sides. /** * Pagination file * * This file provides the google like pagination solution * * @category Saral * @packag...

Validation and Submission of form using jQuery :: Easiest Solution

In any application, form validation and submission to server is so common and redundant; there are multiple ways of doing it. And the best and easiest way that I do use or recommend is jQuery solution.  Most popular jQuery plugins are the best solution, they have the best solution ever.  One, jQuery Validator written and maintained by Jorn Zaefferer, a member of the jQuery team, lead developer on the jQuery UI team and maintainer of QUnit. Two, jQuery Form by malsup, it has various plugins and solutions. Another plugin that I like from same developer is jQuery BlockUI . (give a try). Name: Email: Note: To avoid unexpected behavior, maintain same form and fields names and id selector values. Need further explanation, let me know.

Email already exists using jQuery

It is the common requirement for any web application either it is PHP, .net, JSP etc., which has users involved. When creating/adding user from admin or end user registration we should check whether username or email address already exists. It will help to have unique registrations to our application and avoid confusion between various users.  I see many developers struggle with this by submitting the form to server side script and validate their from database, in case username/email address already exists they take the pain to go back to previous page or form and show the error message with other form data filled.  Few use AJAX to send the information onblur or onkeyup or onkeydown but face difficulties to stop form submission. Here is the simple solution that would help in validating username or email address existence without much hassle.  Solution comes from popular jQuery Validator plugin I'm using this from ages.  HTML Code: <html> <head...

Sorting second dimension array

We can sort the second dimension array like table, for example $users = array( array('name' => 'Mr. B', 'age' => 34), array('name' => 'Mr. A', 'age' => 33), array('name' => 'Mr. C', 'age' => 32) ); If you want to sort the array based on the name or age, here is the solution: function arraySortByColumn(&$arr, $col, $dir = SORT_ASC){ $sort_col = array(); foreach ($arr as $key => $row) { $sort_col[$key] = $row[$col]; } array_multisort($sort_col, $dir, $arr); } arraySortByColumn($users, 'name', SORT_DESC); print_r($users);

Connect MySQL Remotely, Amazon EC2 using MySQL Workbench

Login to AWS Management Console. Under the security group, add inbound rule for MySQL. First login to EC2 instance using SSH, then login to mysql  mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p provide the password. Once you are in mysql prompt CREATE USER 'testuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'testpwd' GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'testuser'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION FLUSH PRIVILEGES Note: Setting host to '%' may be harmful, you can set your IP address to access the MySQL from your IP address only Now open the my.cnf file from /etc/mysql and search for bind-address, the default value will be bind-address = change it to  bind-address = That's it now go to MySQL workbench, create connection with Host: Username: testuser